- NGF er en fagorganisasjon for gestaltterapeuter i Norge; www.ngfo.no
- Norsk forbund for psykoterapi (NFP); nfpsykoterapi.no
- The European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) is a Vienna-based umbrella organisation for 128 psychotherapist organizations. Individual members may also join the organisation directly rather than through one of its member organisations. https://www.europsyche.org
- European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT); www.eagt.org
- EMDR Norge er en medlemsorganisasjon for traumebehandlere i Norge og er tilsluttet EMDR Europe; www.emdrnorge.no
- Hundeterapeute (Canis Hundeskole avd. Østfold); https://hundeterapeuten.no
